
GM Says No to Super Bowl Ads to Save Money

Super Bowl 2009

GM said Monday it will not air a TV ad during the 2009 Super Bowl. GM’s decision not to advertise during one of the most watched events of the year is part of its restructuring plan to cut expenses.
GM Spokeswoman Kelly Cusinato said that while GM will remain a sponsor of the National Football League and will likely air ads before and after the game, it will not buy ad time during the actual event, reports the AP and CNNMoney.
"We’re in the midst of cost cutting," Cusinato said.  "We’re scrutinizing all of our programs and all of our media spending, so in the midst of that, we decided against it."
The decision to skip the Super Bowl ad was also based on the fact that the automaker won’t have a major vehicle launch to promote then, Cusinato said. GM also recently decided not to advertise during Sunday night’s Emmy Awards and the upcoming Academy Awards, Cusinato said.
Super Bowl ads generally cost several millions of dollars for a 30-second spot.