
How Are Auto Makers Doing With MPG? July Report Tells All

New reports from auto analyst TrueCar are giving American customers more information about fuel economy for the full range of vehicles on the North American market. Specifically, researchers are saying that while miles per gallon figures for the industry have increased over the past year, the actual average mpg for light vehicles for July is unchanged from the June number, at 21.6 mpg.

More than a few consumers, as well as auto industry experts, are looking at month by month fuel economy numbers as the U.S. government proposes mandating certain standards in future years. The general target for cars is 40 miles per gallon, as laid out in the Obama administration’s CAFE plan for future fuel economy. Media outlets are also reporting that public officials are looking to put the same pressure on manufacturers to increase the fuel economy of trucks and larger vehicles, where past progress was inhibited by the idea that work trucks needed to consume much vaster amounts of gasoline for delivering towing capacity and moving heavier frames.

In an August 9 press release, TrueCar is doing in-depth research on the average mpg for cars from foreign and domestic auto makers. A survey of these numbers by manufacturing region provides some insight into who is leading the pack in terms of fuel economy. TrueCar cites a U.S. manufacturer average of 20.2, up from 19.7 a year ago. European manufacturers score an average of 21.3, up from 21 mpg, while Japanese auto makers increased average fuel economy to 23.2 from 23 mpg. According to TrueCar, South Korean manufacturers provide the highest average mpg, although the numbers show these auto makers decreasing average fuel economy from 25.5 to 26.4.

In an additional chart of fuel economy broken down by car segments, TrueCar shows an industry average of 28.7 mpg for the small car market. Nobody beats Toyota with a 32.8 mpg average, while makers Ford and Volkswagen both deliver averages above 29 mpg. In average midsize car mpg, Ford, Honda and Suzuki lead with numbers over 25.

As consumers fill American lots looking for good fuel economy, reports like this one can help you make good purchase decisions and profit from better design for your next vehicle.