
Want a New Car on Graduation Day? Toyota Offers Breaks to New Grads on 2011 Models


According to lots of experts, 2011 is not a great time to be a college graduate. Amid dire reports of job gaps in key industries and professions, those who follow the turbulent paths of today’s graduates are reporting that many of them are facing tough economic choices, including moving back in with mom and dad to save cash. There’s also the issue of finding a job that will pay back student loans in a down economy. But there’s a bright spot on the horizon for those former students who want to enter the working world with a new vehicle. Toyota Financial Services, an arm of the Toyota Motor Credit Company, is offering new graduates a range of sales incentives on a wide array of models in their current lineup, including the 2011 Toyota Corolla, 2011 Toyota Matrix and 2011 Toyota Camry, as well as larger vehicles like the 2011 Scion, 2011 RAV4, and the 2011 Tacoma truck.

First, college grads get $1000 off of the sale price in the form of a rebate, which can lower the total financing amount and help these buyers dodge some of the interest that would otherwise be taking a bite out of their monthly budgets. In addition, eligible buyers get 90 days interest-free to help them ease into making those monthly payments. There’s also a 2 year/25k mile maintenance plan, with roadside assistance for new graduates who are often single-person households and need this kind of extra help.

It’s all part of Toyota’s College Graduate Finance Program, an effort to reach out to those proud degree holders who are confident they can navigate the job world and take on the responsibility of new car ownership. Students who are about to graduate, or others who have already walked, can sign up for a 2011 Corolla or Camry, or the newly styled 2011 Toyota Scion. They can also take a look at the 2011 Toyota RAV4, which, despite having been snubbed in last year’s popular radio hit “Run This Town,” still commands quite a lot of attention as a competitive car-style SUV.

This program ends in January of 2012, according to the TFS, so grads who want the best deals on a set of wheels from this renowned manufacturer should start digging through the fine print now to find out if they truly qualify. Some eligibility issues include degree status, employment, and credit history. It’s something to ponder this spring while walking across the stage to get your sheepskin.