
GTbyCitroen Concept Could Become a Reality, Hopefully With a New Name

The GTbyCitroen concept car was designed as a showpiece for the Playstation 3 game Gran Turismo 5. The car was never intended to be a production model, but its looks were so striking that Citroen’s parent company, Peugeot Société Anonyme, or PSA, is seriously considering a production version of the GTbyCitroen.

gtbycitroen picture

The GT will cost about 1 million euros, according to Autoblog’s source. In place of the concept’s hydrogen-gasoline hybrid powertrain, the GTbyCitroen will be powered by an American-made V8.

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The concept has generated so much interest that Citroen is thinking about bringing the GT to market. It would compete with the likes of the Bugatti Veyron and Koenigsegg CCX in the million dollar plus segment. To be competitive in that price range, the Citroen GT (I’m giving Citroen my permission to use that name if they bring the car to production) would need a top speed in the 250 mph range, which would mean 800+ hp.

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These days, the name of the game is functionality. With the GTbyCitroen, owners will be able to take their supermodel girlfriends on a jaunt through the countryside, then pull up a stool and have a picnic lunch on the car’s rear wing.


Pictures via autoblog.