
Honda Chairman Says Auto Industry Situation in U.S. Concerns Him

Honda is faring quite well in the U.S. market despite the situation that’s getting worse for a lot of auto manufacturers. The company’s line up of fuel-efficient vehicles has been selling in record numbers lately, with the advent of rising oil prices and the ever-climbing costs associated with personal transportation. Still, Satoshi Aoki, chairman of Honda Motor Co., has stated his concern for the psychological effects this is having on their consumers.

"Fortunately, in the case of Honda, our product line up tends to be more fuel-efficient compared with the industry, so we are receiving good acceptance by the customers for fuel-efficient vehicles," Aoki said. "So compared to maybe the industry average, we are doing better. But naturally, the psychological impact on our traditional buyers is something which we are rather concerned about."

What he means exactly, I don’t know, but I can only guess that he is expressing concern because he probably does not want to be blamed for the American auto industry’s fall from grace. Honda will ultimately become a target for blame from a lot of people, for the way the American auto industry is headed. Mr. Aoki’s comments show an incredible amount of foresight on the part of the company’s leader, into what could become a topic for concern in the future.