
I Need a Car Loan For My New Air Car Please

After your loan officer looks at you like you’re crazy, you can say, "really, it’s my new AIRPod from MDI." The company plans on starting production on the AIRPod this spring.

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AIRPods with CEO Guy Negre (courtesy of

The AIRPod by Moteur Development International can seat three adults, two facing forward and one facing the rear. A joystick that turns a pair of wheels mounted together in the front of the vehicle controls the car. The rear wheels provide the power to drive the car.

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Image courtesy of

Of course, the power source is the really interesting part of this vehicle. The car simply uses the outside air to power itself! It uses Air Compressed Technology. Outside, ambient air enters the vehicle and is stored in a high-pressure tank. Inside this tank, the air is compressed. The compressed air then crosses over a patented pressure reducer, which then travels to a compression cylinder. The compressed air pushes the cylinder that turns the crankshaft and drives the wheels. 

Sounds simple, right? It’s a little more complicated than that, as the Air Compressed Technology is derived from a new thermodynamic cycle. Check out MDI’s Web site for all the technical details.

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Image courtesy of Jalopnik.

The AIRPod is just the first vehicle in the works from MDI. TATA Motors, an Indian automaker, is very interested in this new technology and has actually gone into an agreement to license the vehicles from MDI. The company also has plans to use the Air Compressed Technology developed by MDI as an alternative power source to its anticipated TATA Nano.