
Tata Says it will Not Build Jaguar and Land Rover in India

Ratan Tata, Tata Motors chaiman and CEO, and the new owner of Jaguar and Land Rover, have confirmed that there will be no local assembly of any Jaguar or Land Rover models in India. For the moment, Tata said, only imports from the U.K. will be considered for Indian markets.

"There is no insistence from us [Tata Motors] to bring these brands to India," Tata said. "The launch of these brands in India will take their own natural course and will be a commercial decision. Both Jaguar and Land Rover have looked at India and are rather surprised with the potential of the Indian market. However, when we do bring in these models, they will all be CBU [completely built-up] imports."

This means that while the ownership and reigns have been handed over to Indian owners, Tata wants all customers to rest assured that it won’t mess with a well-established thing. Sighs of relief can be heard throughout England.