
Britney Spears Involved in Accident with Photographer

Britney Spears

Britney Spears was involved in a fender bender Wednesday with a photographer. Britney wasn’t driving the white Cadillac Escalade at the time of the accident though. Her bodyguard was behind the wheel, taking Spears to a vintage clothing store in Hollywood when reportedly, a photographer hit them.

"At approximately 2 p.m., Britney was being driven in a white Escalade, when the paparazzi cut her off and one slammed into the back of her car," a clerk at the clothing store told
"She didn’t seem upset by the accident at all," he said. "She wasn’t driving anyway and it wasn’t bad, it was just a fender bender."
This accident took place just hours after Britney’s criminal lawyer rejected a final plea bargain in her driving without a license case, reports US Magazine.

Britney Spears Escalade

Although this is her son’s Escalade, it is the same SUV brand Britney was in when the fender bender occured.
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