
Does John McCain Need 13 Cars?

Cindy and John McCain

Although John McCain can’t remember how many homes he owns (seven), he does know the number of cars he and his wife Cindy own. The McCain’s are the proud owners of 13 vehicles. If they buy one more, they’ll have two for every house. Newsweek checked out the public vehicle-registration records of both candidates and although the McCain’s own 13, the Obama’s only own one.
Barack and Michelle Obama share a 2008 Ford Escape hybrid. Barack traded in their Chrysler 300C last year for the Escape, reportedly after taking flak for driving such a gas guzzler while talking about how we need to conserve oil and build more fuel-efficient cars.
John and Cindy McCain’s cars include (according to Newsweek):
Toyota Prius hybrid 
2004 Cadillac CTS (John’s personal car)
2005 Volkswagen convertible
2001 Honda sedan
2007 half-ton Ford truck
1960 Willys Jeep
2008 Jeep Wrangler
2000 Lincoln
2001 GMC SUV
Lexus (Cindy’s personal car with plates that read “MS BUD”)
(3) 2000 NEV Gem electric vehicles, which are bubble-shaped cars popular in retirement communities
"I’ve bought American literally all my life and I’m proud," McCain said about his Cadillac CTS.
Only the Cadillac is registered in John’s name.  Cindy McCain’s name is registered on 11 vehicles, though not the one she actually drives, the Lexus.  It is registered to her family’s beer-distributor business. 
Maybe some of the vehicles are driven by the McCain’s seven children, because that’s a lot of cars for two people.