
Jimmer Fredette’s Custom Golf Cart

Jimmer Fredette, point guard for the Sacramento Kings, posted this image of his new custom golf cart to Instagram with the caption "I guess since @whitneyfredette got me this for Christmas I’m going to have to start working on my golf game more in the summer."

Jimmer Fredette’s gold cart looks like an ez-Go Freedom RXT. While it isn’t as fancy as many NBA playrs’ rides, it does cost as much as a used car – $8,000 to start. Jimmer Fredette’s golf cart also has custom rims and custom diamond stitched seats installed, both of which can cost thousands of dollars if they’re high quality. So while it isn’t the most balling baller’s car, it’s one of the craziest golf carts you’ll see.

If you want to feel good, just spend a few minutes looking through Jimmer Fredette’s Instagram. While most NBA stars, particularly young ones like Jimmer (who is 25), have a constant feed of their extravagant purchases – champagne, insane luxury cars, huge houses, watches worth more than normal houses and extravagant parties – Jimmer has a whole album of pictures of his wife and their dog. It’s like he’s actually totally happy with his life and doesn’t need to show off his money to justify himself.