
Ford Pioneers Green Efforts This Year

Some of the latest news from Ford shows where the domestic auto maker is putting its money since its spectacular re-emergence after the financial crash, and what customers can expect on Ford lots in years to come.

A June 15 “Ford e-news” roundup highlights a few of the major things Ford has been doing lately. One of them is the expansion of production for the company’s fuel-efficient hybrid engines for C-MAX hybrid and C-MAX Energi vehicles, as well as other fuel-savers slated for 2012 and beyond. Only scant information is available on many of these models, but with the planned rollout of hybrid cars, SUVs and even minivans, it looks like Ford is serious about taking on competitors like Toyota in the hybrid segment.

Another item from the e-news bulletin shows more about why Ford’s leadership is taking this tack: the Ford Sustainability Report, an annual review of the company’s environmental efforts, shows CO2 emissions reduced across the board by over 5%, and a radical goal of further reduction of 30% by 2025. The report, subtitled “Driving Change” talks about “turning the Blue Oval green” and addresses the ways that Ford is outpacing competitors in fuel-efficient production. A lot of this technical work is going on in stateside plants, as Ford participates in reviving the U.S. auto sector with jobs for the next century, including the hiring of over 50 electric-car engineers in Dearborn.

All of this means you will start seeing a lot more options for new Ford cars in future market years. However, many of these will come with higher price tags. Getting a good price on a newer green vehicle will take even more knowledge of the auto financing world, and the discipline to save up down payments, reducing your interest on monthly payments to dealers. If you want to be able to afford a green Ford in the future, start the process now by negotiating a better auto financing deal for your next vehicle purchase, cleaning up your credit and amassing capital for less expensive borrowing. You’ll be in a better position to capitalize on savings at the pump when these new Ford cars are appearing in lots near you.